Denver Historic Remodel Residence

Denver, Colorado
United States

How do you modernize a historic 1905 residence while preserving its unique character? For this remodeling effort, both the revitalized contemporary architectural elements and the home's historic character are accentuated and tied together by an ecosystem of integrated lighting technology. The lighting design pays careful attention to the natural flow of the home, using warm dimming LEDs to create a cozy atmosphere that beckons from one room to the next. Crown molding uplights provide ambient lighting that seamlessly bridges the dining room, living room, and office. A modern spin on recessed light pairings powered by a streamlined control system allows for simultaneous illumination of a classical art piece and ample reading light over a piece of furniture.

  • Architectural Lighting
  • Private Residences
  • 3,000 sq.ft. | 278 sq.m.
  • Five Interior Design
  • Sam Koerbel